Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Check mate. Basque style

What do you get when you put six of the world’s top chess players in an air-conditioned, soundproof, glass box? I know. It sounds like the beginning of a terribly unfunny joke. In actuality, you get the Grand Slam Chess Final, currently being contested in the central plaza of Bilbao, Spain. This two week double round-robin tournament pits six incredible players, from seventeen-year-old Norwegian prodigy (Magnus Carlsen) to the veteran Ukrainian (Vassily Ivanchuk). While the world title is not on the line, serious money is: $212,000 to the winner and $42,000 to each just for playing. Carlsen leads, but there are three days of play remaining. You can follow the rest of the tournament over at ChessBase.

I bet Carlsen wins the tourney, but I’m pulling for Ivanchuk.

Whether you play in the park, occasionally play friends, or have been trying to beat your grandfather since he taught you the game, the following guides will improve your chess.

The Amateur’s Mind: Turning Chess Misconceptions into Chess Mastery

The Reassess Your Chess Workbook

Play Winning Chess

Chess Strategy in Action

Winning Chess Strategies

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