Friday, January 23, 2009

Staff Picks

We want to keep our book lists and research guides current and fresh, so we are always adding new content. We have just added a new reading list – Faulk Central’s Staff Picks. Last fall I asked staff at Central to send me their favorite book that was published within the last decade. Out of all 60 responses, I only got one duplicate – Kafka on the Shore, and that may be because the main character, Kafka Tamura, lives clandestinely in a quiet, private library in Takamutusu, Japan. I also had to change the time span from 1998-2008 to 1997-2008 because a staff member wanted to include American Pastoral, which was published in 1997; but won the Pulitzer in 1998. For reviews of the books, use Fiction Connection. When you have chosen your next book to read, place a hold, and then pick it up at your convenience.

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