Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The love and demons of Gabo’s world

Gabriel García Márquez, also known as Gabo, published his first work in 1955. Since then, he has been inviting us to join his literary world where reality gets mixed with magical events, places, and characters in every one of his books. Love, hatred, deception, happiness, loneliness, hope, and sadness: they all coexist in Gabo’s work. Anytime you hold one of his books in your hands, you know something magical, something unexpected or supernatural is going to pop up at any moment.

Because of his unique style of writing he was awarded with the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1982. Gabo has not only written fiction works, during his prolific life he has also published several non fiction books and articles in newspapers and magazines around the world. So, if you want to celebrate Gabo’s birthday tomorrow, come to the library, grab one of his books and start dreaming.

Hundred Years of Solitude

Of love and other demons

Love in the time of cholera

The evil hour

Chronicle of a death foretold

If you want to read his works in Spanish, here are some titles:

General en su laberinto

El coronel no tiene quien le escriba

Los funerales de la Mama Grande

Todos los cuentos de Gabriel García Márquez

And, finally works about Gabo:

Critical essays on Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel García Márquez

Marquez: tales beyond solitude VHS

Picture taken from El País

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