Sunday, June 29, 2008

Closer Still

I have noticed that the barrier separating genuine human interaction with those concerning machines has been gradually eroding over the years. At one time, the concept of a thinking, talking machine that a human could truly interact with was a very distant and exotic thing. With the invention of the robotic baby harp seal Paro, humanity continues to build upon an ever more intimate dialogue with the machinery it manufactures. The Austin Public Library has some choice resources available that may inspire individuals interested in furthering this convergence.

NPR Report
CNN Report
The great robot race [videorecording]

Robotics : a reference guide to the new technology
Loving the machine : the art and science of Japanese robots
Robots : from science fiction to technological revolution
The singularity is near : when humans transcend biology
123 robotics experiments for the evil genius
God in the machine : what robots teach us about humanity and God
Digital people : from bionic humans to androids

Electronic Books:
Open-source robotics and process control cookbook [electronic resource] : designing and building robust, dependable real-time systems

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