Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 16, 1904

Does this date mean anything to you? Need some hints? Stephen Dedalus, a walk through Dublin, “ineluctable modality of the visible,” Leopold Bloom, “potato I have,” Molly Bloom’s soliloquy. Yes, that’s right, June 16 is Bloomsday, the day people all over the world observe Leopold Bloom’s celebrated walk through Dublin as recorded in James Joyce’s Ulysses. In case you can’t recite any passages from memory but would like to do your part and participate in this year’s observance, the library has several different editions of Ulysses that you can check out.

Don’t think you’ll have time to read Ulysses? What about listening to it?
Can’t get to the library? Read this e-book online!
Want to share Bloomsday with friends and family? Choose one of these DVDs:
Want to know more?
Really want to know more? Explore what UT’s HRC has to offer:
It may be too late to join in the celebrations in Dublin this year, but you can see what is happening and plan for next year at You can also read about walks in Dublin at any time of year: 914.1835 WA - Walking Dublin: 24 Original Walks In and Around Dublin

Closer to home is UT’s 2007 North American James Joyce Conference

If this June 16 caught you unprepared, start now and be ready for next year’s celebration of Bloomsday. For more information about James Joyce and about Bloomsday check our online catalog and our subscription databases.

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