Monday, August 22, 2011

Two Songs Two Singers

There are two songs that I only recently discovered. Both of these songs have been around for quite some time. Nonetheless, in my opinion, their power to enchant has not diminished with the passage of time. The title of one of the songs is, El Desierto (The Desert), which was written and is performed by an extremely charasmatic artist named Lhasa de Sela who is of Mexican and Lebanese descent . The other song is entitled, L'Appuntamento (The Appointment), which is performed by the equally mesmerizing Italian singer Ornella Vanoni. Neither of the two songs is sung in English. However, if you have ever suffered a romantic loss you will immediately understand the sentiment and pain both are trying to convey.

Lhasa de Sela:
La Llorona
The Living Road

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