Monday, February 23, 2009


I am well aware that Iran is a country that we may not understand or know that much about. I’ve often found that once you’ve taken the time to get to know a person or learn about the culture an individual comes from, misconceptions vanish and you see them for the human beings they rightfully are.

This is exactly the re-realization that fell on me like a house after watching a recent episode of a Rick Steves travel program. I was immediately struck by the beauty and very long history of Iran. The cities seemed every bit as cosmopolitan as any European, Asian, or American city and the people were every bit as welcoming as I’ve found Austinites to be. So in the spirit of trying to breakdown barriers to understanding, I’ve listed several resources the Austin Public Library has in its collection to help interested parties learn more about yet another fascinating people and culture in existence on this planet of ours.


The Ayatollah begs to differ : the paradox of modern Iran

A history of Iran : empire of the mind

Passionate uprisings : Iran's sexual revolution


Masters & masterpieces of Iranian cinema

Septembers of Shiraz


Border Cafe

The day I became a woman

Fireworks Wednesday

Googoosh [videorecording] : Iran's daughter

The girl in the sneakers [videorecording] = Dokhtari ba kafsh-haye-katani


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