Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pantomime: silence and art

Who hasn’t seen a mime while passing by or while sitting comfortably under a tree at the park? Most of us have seen them and enjoyed their ethereal and magical silent art. Mimes can make us dream about love and freedom; they can also transmit deep messages about human nature and conflicts.

This unique form of art has its origins in ancient Greece. It evolved during the medieval times and during the nineteenth century. Jean-Gaspard Deburau, a Czech artist, gave mimes or pantomimes the appearance and characteristics they have today.

One of the most important exponents of pantomime in our times was Marcel Marceu, who passed away last month. This wonderful French artist toured the world inspiring new generations to explore this form of art and to enjoy it.

Our library has books on the art of pantomime that you can check out:

All about mime : understanding and performing the expressive silence

Talking about mime : an illustrated guide

Be a mime!

Mime and beyond : the silent outcry

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