Information about local environmental action can also be found through the City of Austin's web site. The site includes an extensive web portal on a wide range of environmental issues. You can also find Austin's Climate Protection Plan, which is striving to make Austin the leading city in the nation in the fight against global warming.
And of course, we have tons of related materials available for checkout at your local library! Here are just a few titles:
Natural Home Heating: The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Options
The Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big Growth and Investment Opportunity
Feeding the Fire: The Lost History and Uncertain Future of Mankind's Energy Addiction
Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility
Who Killed the Electric Car? [DVD]
An Inconvenient Truth [DVD]: A Global Warning
An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It
Hell and High Water: Global Warming - The Solution and the Politics - And What We Should Do